Size Chart For Women’s Shoes

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Shoes for women are not just a necessary addition to the outfit, but also a bright accessory that adds completeness and a certain chic to the image. This is the very detail that emphasizes the character and makes its mistress even more stylish, modern, fashionable. Of course, only if it is chosen correctly.

Modern manufacturers offer a variety of models: from original boots, decorated with hand embroidery, to elegant shoes that fit the ankles with thin straps. However, choosing the right products, you must not forget about the size. Since there are a lot of firms, and they are not only domestic, but also foreign, the approach to determining labeling can be fundamentally different. For this, there are special tables of sizes for women’s shoes, according to which exact indicators are determined, as well as their compliance with different manufacturing countries. It’s not at all difficult to use them.

In the article, we will tell you in detail how to determine your shoe size and purchase really comfortable shoes, boots, boots, etc.

How To Determine The Size Of Women’s Shoes

Let’s start with the fact that before there was no such abundance of shoe manufacturers, and such problems simply did not arise. But today, when the market is simply overflowing with supply, women may often have doubts: will the model they like fit, won’t it sting or rub the skin?

The fact is that for foreign firms manufacturing shoes , the approach to determining the dimensional value is somewhat different from the world one – hence the discrepancy arises, which has a bad effect on comfort while wearing the selected product.

Well, if you choose shoes in a regular store, where you can try on, even walk, determining how comfortable your feet are. But what if you buy new clothes online? In this case, compliance labels will help. But first, let’s figure out how to correctly determine the Russian size of women’s shoes.

In our country, as in most countries of the former CIS, the main measure that determines the size indicator is the length of the foot. It doesn’t matter if this product is for women or for men , children , the manufacturer still proceeds from this numerical value. It is easy to measure at home. To do this, take two blank sheets of paper, the most common school ruler 25-30 cm long and a pencil or pen.

How To Determine The Size Of Women's Shoes Ecouponsdeal

Then follow the instructions:

  • Place one foot flat and steady on the paper.
  • Outline the foot.
  • Repeat the same with the second leg.
  • In both figures, measure from the tip of your thumb to the very protruding edge of your heel.
  • It is possible that one indicator will be more than the second – be guided by it.
  • Millimeter values ​​are rounded up to the highest whole number.

By measuring your foot length, you have not yet determined the size. To find out, you need to find the obtained numerical value in the plate, which we will give a little lower, and already determine the appropriate marking from it.

Outline the foot.

This method helps to correctly determine the size of domestic shoes, as well as models produced in the former Soviet republics. As a rule, we will have numbers from 33, 34 to 40, with a maximum of 42 or 43. The first two are considered very small and are often put on models for teenage girls aged 10 to 15, and the last ones are very large, suitable big and tall women.

Fullness And Width Of The Foot

In addition to the length of the foot, two more additional measurements are used – this is the width and fullness. If there are no additional values ​​\u200b\u200bon the size marking, then by default this model is suitable for people whose indicators are in the normal range. By the way, today most manufacturers use only one additional designation – completeness , by which the width of the shoe itself is determined.

So what is it? In simple terms, this is the width of the shoe. It is she who determines how comfortable your foot will be in the most voluminous place of its toe.

For most people, fullness is normal, so the selected product sits like a glove without causing any discomfort. But if the foot, for example, is narrow, then the shoes will hang on it, causing inconvenience while walking, especially fast. And if, on the contrary, it is wide, then the shoes will constrain it, lead to improper blood circulation, calluses and irritations. That is why, when choosing women’s shoes, you need to pay attention to this indicator too.

As you know, in Russia, women’s shoes are marked with the following sizes: 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42 and rarely 43, as well as their half values ​​(34.5; 37.5, etc.). d.). At the same time, the most common indicators are 36-37.5 for summer models, and 36.5-38 for winter boots or boots.

In order to correlate your foot length, obtained during measurements, with a numerical indicator, use a simple table of women’s shoe sizes:

Fullness And Width Of The Foot Galaxycoupon

Sizes of Women’s Shoes for Different Countries

As we said above, in other countries the approach to determining dimensional marking is different. Most often, American or English sizes of women’s shoes are affixed in inches.

But European sizes are set on the basis of a completely different measure – the length of the insole.

We will give the most common table of correspondence between Russian, European and American or English sizes of shoes made for women.

Sizes of Women's Shoes for Different Countries

Using such signs, you can always choose the most suitable pair of shoes and will not be disappointed in the new thing.

Dear readers of the site GalaxyCoupon, if you have any questions on this topic, we will be happy to answer them. Leave your feedback, comments, share stories if you had experience in selecting women’s shoes! Your life experience may be useful to other readers.


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